Demolition Permit Application <form-template> <fields> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="This form is submitted as an application only. Fee of $500 and authorization by office staff is required for permit to be valid." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="The owner, or his agent, of the property from which a building is to be removed or demolished shall:" class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="1. Apply for a building permit, if applicable." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="2. Notify the gas, electric, telephone and water service companies or utilities to shut off and/or remove their service." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="3. Disconnect the water and sewer line at a point approved by Public Works Department." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="4. Upon completion of the relocation or demolition, put the site in a safe and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction, including the removal of all foundations, all building waste material, and all other rubble, with such matter to be discarded in accordance with the Municipality's solid waste disposal and collection practices." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="5. All loads must be sorted by materials for proper disposal. Fee of $500 will be applied." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="6. Permits do not confer the right to use any portion of any street or highway for any demolition or removal." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="7. Permit to move buildings o streets must be obtained from license department. " class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="8. Protection to the public, such as fencing and barricading may be required in certain cases. " class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="9. Sufficient information shall be submitted with each application to determine whether or not the proposed work will affect adjacent property, and any damages to Municipal properties must be repaired to the same or better condition i.e. sidewalks, trees etc." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Name:" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140387217"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Phone Number" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140425028"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Mailing Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140442087"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Email Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140453735"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" label="Legal Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140468879"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" label="Civic Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140484215"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" label="Roll Number" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140498631"></field> <field type="date" required="true" label="Date of Demolition" class="form-control calendar" name="date-1718140514471"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="List Type of Material" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1718140547304"></field> <field type="file" label="Site Plans" class="form-control file-input" name="file-1718206931416" multiple="true"></field> <field type="textarea" label="Type Signature" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1718140601696"></field> </fields> </form-template> Submit Submitting...